
class autocti.CTI2D(parallel_trap_list: Optional[List[TrapInstantCapture]] = None, parallel_ccd: Optional[CCDPhase] = None, serial_trap_list: Optional[List[TrapInstantCapture]] = None, serial_ccd: Optional[CCDPhase] = None)[source]#

An object which determines the behaviour of CTI during 2D parallel and serial clocking.

This includes the traps that capture and trail electrons and the CCD volume filling behaviour.

  • parallel_trap_list – The traps on the dataset that capture and release electrons during parallel clocking.

  • parallel_ccd

    The CCD volume filling parameterization which dictates how an electron cloud fills pixel in the parallel

    direction and thus how it is subject to traps.

  • serial_trap_list – The traps on the dataset that capture and release electrons during serial clocking.

  • serial_ccd

    The CCD volume filling parameterization which dictates how an electron cloud fills pixel in the serial

    direction and thus how it is subject to traps.

__init__(parallel_trap_list: Optional[List[TrapInstantCapture]] = None, parallel_ccd: Optional[CCDPhase] = None, serial_trap_list: Optional[List[TrapInstantCapture]] = None, serial_ccd: Optional[CCDPhase] = None)[source]#

An object which determines the behaviour of CTI during 2D parallel and serial clocking.

This includes the traps that capture and trail electrons and the CCD volume filling behaviour.

  • parallel_trap_list – The traps on the dataset that capture and release electrons during parallel clocking.

  • parallel_ccd

    The CCD volume filling parameterization which dictates how an electron cloud fills pixel in the parallel

    direction and thus how it is subject to traps.

  • serial_trap_list – The traps on the dataset that capture and release electrons during serial clocking.

  • serial_ccd

    The CCD volume filling parameterization which dictates how an electron cloud fills pixel in the serial

    direction and thus how it is subject to traps.


__init__([parallel_trap_list, parallel_ccd, ...])

An object which determines the behaviour of CTI during 2D parallel and serial clocking.


A dictionary representation of the instance comprising a type field which contains the entire class path by which the type can be imported and constructor arguments.


Instantiate an instance of a class from its dictionary representation.


Load the dictable object to a .json file, whereby all attributes are converted from the .json file's dictionary representation to create the instance of the object


Output the dictable object to a .json file, whereby all attributes are converted to a dictionary representation first.




Combine the parallel and serial trap lists to make an overall list of traps in the model.