CTI Model#


Package all of the components of a CTI model together (e.g. Traps``s, ``CCD``s) for passing to ``arCTIc.

CTI1D([trap_list, ccd, pixel_bounce_list])

An object which determines the behaviour of CTI during 1D clocking.

CTI2D([parallel_trap_list, parallel_ccd, ...])

An object which determines the behaviour of CTI during 2D parallel and serial clocking.


The traps on a CCD which cause CTI.

Different Trap objects make different assumptions for how they capture and release electrons.

TrapInstantCapture([density, ...])

TrapSlowCapture([density, ...])

TrapInstantCaptureContinuum([density, ...])


The volume-filling behaviour of a CCD, describing how an electron cloud fills a pixel.

This what traps electron capturing is subject to as a function of pixel normalization.

CCDPhase([full_well_depth, ...])