Installation with conda#


Installation via a conda environment circumvents compatibility issues when installing certain libraries. This guide assumes you have a working installation of conda.

First, update conda:

conda update -n base -c defaults conda

First, create a conda environment (we name this autocti to signify it is for the PyAutoCTI install):

The command below creates this environment with some of the bigger package requirements, the rest will be installed via pip:

conda create -n autocti astropy numpy scikit-image scikit-learn scipy

Activate the conda environment (you will have to do this every time you want to run PyAutoCTI):

conda activate autocti

We upgrade pip to ensure certain libraries install:

pip install --upgrade pip

The latest version of PyAutoCTI is installed via pip as follows (specifying the version as shown below ensures the installation has clean dependencies):

pip install autocti

The CTI clocking algorithm, arCTIc, is an optional install, because there are uaes for PyAutoCTI that do not require it and it can present difficulties to install.

However, for the majority of users arCTIc will be needed, so we recommend you install it now.

pip install arcticpy

If there is an error (e.g. issues with installing GSL) check out the troubleshooting section.

You may get warnings which state something like:


Numba ( is an optional library which makes PyAutoCTI run a lot faster, which we strongly recommend users have installed.

You can install numba via the following command:

pip install numba

Some users have experienced difficulties installing numba, which is why it is an optional library. If your installation is not successful, you can use PyAutoCTI without it installed for now, to familiarize yourself with the software and determine if it is the right software for you.

If you decide that PyAutoCTI is the right software, then I recommend you commit the time to getting a successful numba install working, with more information provided at this readthedocs page


Next, clone the autocti workspace (the line --depth 1 clones only the most recent branch on the autocti_workspace, reducing the download size):

cd /path/on/your/computer/you/want/to/put/the/autocti_workspace
git clone --depth 1
cd autocti_workspace

Run the script to get started!


It should be clear that PyAutoCTI runs without issue.

If there is an error check out the troubleshooting section.