
class autocti.ImagingCI(data: Array2D, noise_map: Array2D, pre_cti_data: Array2D, layout: Layout2DCI, cosmic_ray_map: Optional[Array2D] = None, mask_persistence=None, noise_scaling_map_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, fpr_value: Optional[float] = None, settings_dict: Optional[Dict] = None)[source]#

A class containing an imaging dataset, including the image data, noise-map and a point spread function (PSF).

  • data – The array of the image data, for example in units of electrons per second.

  • noise_map – An array describing the RMS standard deviation error in each pixel, for example in units of electrons per second.

  • psf – An array describing the Point Spread Function kernel of the image which accounts for diffraction due to the telescope optics via 2D convolution.

  • settings – Controls settings of how the dataset is set up (e.g. the types of grids used to perform calculations).

  • check_noise_map – If True, the noise-map is checked to ensure all values are above zero.

__init__(data: Array2D, noise_map: Array2D, pre_cti_data: Array2D, layout: Layout2DCI, cosmic_ray_map: Optional[Array2D] = None, mask_persistence=None, noise_scaling_map_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, fpr_value: Optional[float] = None, settings_dict: Optional[Dict] = None)[source]#

A class containing an imaging dataset, including the image data, noise-map and a point spread function (PSF).

  • data – The array of the image data, for example in units of electrons per second.

  • noise_map – An array describing the RMS standard deviation error in each pixel, for example in units of electrons per second.

  • psf – An array describing the Point Spread Function kernel of the image which accounts for diffraction due to the telescope optics via 2D convolution.

  • settings – Controls settings of how the dataset is set up (e.g. the types of grids used to perform calculations).

  • check_noise_map – If True, the noise-map is checked to ensure all values are above zero.


__init__(data, noise_map, pre_cti_data, layout)

A class containing an imaging dataset, including the image data, noise-map and a point spread function (PSF).


Apply a mask to the imaging dataset, whereby the mask is applied to the image data, noise-map and other quantities one-by-one.


Returns a new instance of the imaging with the input SettingsImaging applied to them.

from_fits(pixel_scales, layout[, data_path, ...])

Load charge injection imaging from multiple .fits file.

output_to_fits(data_path[, noise_map_path, ...])

Output the charge injection imaging dataset to multiple .fits file.





A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute.


A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute.


A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute.


A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute.



A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute.


The layout describes the 2D regions on the data containing charge whose input signal properties are know beforehand (e.g.



The residuals of the data and the pre CTI data.





The estimated signal-to-noise_maps mappers of the image.


The maximum value of signal-to-noise_maps in an image pixel in the image's signal-to-noise_maps mappers.


A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute.