Source code for autocti.mask.mask_2d

import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple

import autoarray as aa

from autoarray import exc

from autocti.extract.settings import SettingsExtract
from autocti.layout.two_d import Layout2D

class SettingsMask2D:
    def __init__(
        parallel_fpr_pixels: Tuple[int, int] = None,
        parallel_eper_pixels: Tuple[int, int] = None,
        serial_fpr_pixels: Tuple[int, int] = None,
        serial_eper_pixels: Tuple[int, int] = None,
        cosmic_ray_parallel_buffer: int = 10,
        cosmic_ray_serial_buffer: int = 10,
        cosmic_ray_diagonal_buffer: int = 3,
        readout_persistence_infront_buffer: int = 0,
        readout_persistence_behind_buffer: int = 0,
        Settings which customize how the mask is created.

        There are three features whose masking can be customized:

        1) The FPR / EPER masking: the extent of masks on these specific regions of the data (e.g. the
        length of the FPR mask in pixels).

        2) Cosmic ray masking: buffers around cosmic rays in the parallel and serial directions which mask the CTI
        trails of these cosmic rays.

        3) Read noise persistence masking: buffers around read noise persistence rows in front and behind the
        flagged rows containing read noise persistence.

            The integer range of pixels masked in each parallel FPR region, for example `parallel_fpr_pixels=(1,2)`
            masks just the second row of parallel FPR pixels.
            The integer range of pixels masked in each parallel EPER region, for example `parallel_eper_pixels=(1,2)`
            masks just the second row of parallel EPER pixels.
            The integer range of pixels masked in each serial FPR region, for example `serial_fpr_pixels=(1,2)`
            masks just the second column of serial FPR pixels.
            The integer range of pixels masked in each serial EPER region, for example `serial_eper_pixels=(1,2)`
            masks just the second column of serial EPER pixels.
            The number of pixels masked in the parallel direction behind each cosmic ray, to mask the CTI trail.
            The number of pixels masked in the serial direction behind each cosmic ray, to mask the CTI trail.
            The number of pixels masked in the parallel and serial direction behind each cosmic ray, to mask the
            serial CTI trail or the parallel CTI trail.
            The number of rows masked in front of each read noise persistence region.
            The number of rows masked behind each read noise persistence region.
        self.parallel_fpr_pixels = parallel_fpr_pixels
        self.parallel_eper_pixels = parallel_eper_pixels
        self.serial_fpr_pixels = serial_fpr_pixels
        self.serial_eper_pixels = serial_eper_pixels

        self.cosmic_ray_parallel_buffer = cosmic_ray_parallel_buffer
        self.cosmic_ray_serial_buffer = cosmic_ray_serial_buffer
        self.cosmic_ray_diagonal_buffer = cosmic_ray_diagonal_buffer

        self.readout_persistence_infront_buffer = readout_persistence_infront_buffer
        self.readout_persistence_behind_buffer = readout_persistence_behind_buffer

[docs]class Mask2D(aa.Mask2D):
[docs] @classmethod def manual(cls, mask, pixel_scales, origin=(0.0, 0.0), invert=False): """ Create a Mask2D (see *Mask2D.__new__*) by inputting the array values in 2D, for example: mask=np.array([[False, False], [True, False]]) mask=[[False, False], [True, False]] Parameters ---------- mask The bool values of the mask input as an ndarray of shape [total_y_pixels, total_x_pixels ]or a list of lists. pixel_scales The (y,x) arcsecond-to-pixel units conversion factor of every pixel. If this is input as a `float`, it is converted to a (float, float). origin : (float, float) The (y,x) scaled units origin of the mask's coordinate system. invert If `True`, the ``bool``'s of the input ``mask`` are inverted, for example `False`'s become `True` and visa versa. """ if type(mask) is list: mask = np.asarray(mask).astype("bool") if invert: mask = np.invert(mask) pixel_scales = aa.util.geometry.convert_pixel_scales_2d( pixel_scales=pixel_scales ) if len(mask.shape) != 2: raise exc.MaskException("The input mask is not a two dimensional array") return cls(mask=mask, pixel_scales=pixel_scales, origin=origin)
[docs] @classmethod def all_false(cls, shape_native, pixel_scales, origin=(0.0, 0.0), invert=False): """Create a mask where all pixels are `False` and therefore unmasked. Parameters ---------- mask The bool values of the mask input as an ndarray of shape [total_y_pixels, total_x_pixels ]or a list of lists. pixel_scales The (y,x) arcsecond-to-pixel units conversion factor of every pixel. If this is input as a `float`, it is converted to a (float, float). origin : (float, float) The (y,x) scaled units origin of the mask's coordinate system. invert If `True`, the ``bool``'s of the input ``mask`` are inverted, for example `False`'s become `True` and visa versa. """ return cls.manual( mask=np.full(shape=shape_native, fill_value=False), pixel_scales=pixel_scales, origin=origin, invert=invert, )
@classmethod def from_masked_regions(cls, shape_native, pixel_scales, masked_regions): mask = cls.all_false(shape_native=shape_native, pixel_scales=pixel_scales) masked_regions = list( map(lambda region: aa.Region2D(region=region), masked_regions) ) for region in masked_regions: mask[region.y0 : region.y1, region.x0 : region.x1] = True return mask
[docs] @classmethod def from_cosmic_ray_map_buffed(cls, cosmic_ray_map, settings=SettingsMask2D()): """ Returns the mask used for CTI Calibration, which is all `False` unless specific regions are input for masking. Parameters ---------- cosmic_ray_map : array_2d.Array2D 2D arrays flagging where cosmic rays on the image. cosmic_ray_parallel_buffer The number of pixels from each ray pixels are masked in the parallel direction. cosmic_ray_serial_buffer The number of pixels from each ray pixels are masked in the serial direction. cosmic_ray_diagonal_buffer The number of pixels from each ray pixels are masked in the digonal up from the parallel + serial direction. """ mask = cls.all_false( shape_native=cosmic_ray_map.shape_native, pixel_scales=cosmic_ray_map.pixel_scales, ) cosmic_ray_mask = (cosmic_ray_map.native > 0.0).astype("bool") for y in range(mask.shape[0]): for x in range(mask.shape[1]): if cosmic_ray_mask[y, x]: x0 = int(x) y0 = y y1 = y + 1 + settings.cosmic_ray_parallel_buffer y1 = mask.shape[0] if y1 > mask.shape[0] else y1 mask[y0:y1, x] = True x1 = int(x + 1 + settings.cosmic_ray_serial_buffer) x1 = mask.shape[1] if x1 > mask.shape[1] else x1 mask[y, x0:x1] = True y0 = y y1 = y + 1 + settings.cosmic_ray_diagonal_buffer x1 = int(x + 1 + settings.cosmic_ray_diagonal_buffer) y1 = mask.shape[0] if y1 > mask.shape[0] else y1 x1 = mask.shape[1] if x1 > mask.shape[1] else x1 mask[y0:y1, x0:x1] = True return mask
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits( cls, file_path, pixel_scales, hdu=0, origin=(0.0, 0.0), resized_mask_shape=None ): """ Loads the image from a .fits file. Parameters ---------- file_path The full path of the fits file. hdu The HDU number in the fits file containing the image image. pixel_scales or (float, float) The arc-second to pixel conversion factor of each pixel. """ if type(pixel_scales) is not tuple: if type(pixel_scales) is float or int: pixel_scales = (float(pixel_scales), float(pixel_scales)) mask = cls.manual( mask=aa.util.array_2d.numpy_array_2d_via_fits_from( file_path=file_path, hdu=hdu ), pixel_scales=pixel_scales, origin=origin, ) if resized_mask_shape is not None: mask = mask.derive_mask.resized_from(new_shape=resized_mask_shape) return mask
@classmethod def masked_fpr_and_eper_from( cls, mask: "Mask2D", layout: Layout2D, settings: "SettingsMask2D", pixel_scales: aa.type.PixelScales, ) -> "Mask2D": if settings.parallel_fpr_pixels is not None: parallel_fpr_mask = cls.masked_parallel_fpr_from( layout=layout, settings=settings, pixel_scales=pixel_scales ) mask = mask + parallel_fpr_mask if settings.parallel_eper_pixels is not None: parallel_eper_mask = cls.masked_parallel_eper_from( layout=layout, settings=settings, pixel_scales=pixel_scales ) mask = mask + parallel_eper_mask if settings.serial_fpr_pixels is not None: serial_fpr_mask = cls.masked_serial_fpr_from( layout=layout, settings=settings, pixel_scales=pixel_scales ) mask = mask + serial_fpr_mask if settings.serial_eper_pixels is not None: serial_eper_mask = cls.masked_serial_eper_from( layout=layout, settings=settings, pixel_scales=pixel_scales ) mask = mask + serial_eper_mask return mask @classmethod def masked_parallel_fpr_from( cls, layout: Layout2D, settings: "SettingsMask2D", pixel_scales: aa.type.PixelScales, invert: bool = False, ) -> "Mask2D": fpr_regions = layout.extract.parallel_fpr.region_list_from( settings=SettingsExtract(pixels=settings.parallel_fpr_pixels) ) mask = np.full(layout.shape_2d, False) for region in fpr_regions: mask[region.y0 : region.y1, region.x0 : region.x1] = True if invert: mask = np.invert(mask) return Mask2D(mask=mask.astype("bool"), pixel_scales=pixel_scales) @classmethod def masked_parallel_eper_from( cls, layout: Layout2D, settings: "SettingsMask2D", pixel_scales: aa.type.PixelScales, invert: bool = False, ) -> "Mask2D": eper_regions = layout.extract.parallel_eper.region_list_from( settings=SettingsExtract(pixels=settings.parallel_eper_pixels) ) mask = np.full(layout.shape_2d, False) for region in eper_regions: mask[region.y0 : region.y1, region.x0 : region.x1] = True if invert: mask = np.invert(mask) return Mask2D(mask=mask.astype("bool"), pixel_scales=pixel_scales) @classmethod def masked_serial_fpr_from( cls, layout: Layout2D, settings: "SettingsMask2D", pixel_scales: aa.type.PixelScales, invert: bool = False, ) -> "Mask2D": fpr_regions = layout.extract.serial_fpr.region_list_from( settings=SettingsExtract(pixels=settings.serial_fpr_pixels) ) mask = np.full(layout.shape_2d, False) for region in fpr_regions: mask[region.y0 : region.y1, region.x0 : region.x1] = True if invert: mask = np.invert(mask) return Mask2D(mask=mask.astype("bool"), pixel_scales=pixel_scales) @classmethod def masked_serial_eper_from( cls, layout: Layout2D, settings: "SettingsMask2D", pixel_scales: aa.type.PixelScales, invert: bool = False, ) -> "Mask2D": eper_regions = layout.extract.serial_eper.region_list_from( settings=SettingsExtract(pixels=settings.serial_eper_pixels) ) mask = np.full(layout.shape_2d, False) for region in eper_regions: mask[region.y0 : region.y1, region.x0 : region.x1] = True if invert: mask = np.invert(mask) return Mask2D(mask=mask.astype("bool"), pixel_scales=pixel_scales)
[docs] @classmethod def masked_readout_persistence_from( cls, layout: Layout2D, row_value_list: List[float], readout_persistence_threshold: float, settings: "SettingsMask2D", pixel_scales: aa.type.PixelScales, invert: bool = False, ) -> "Mask2D": """ Read noise persistence is a feature of CCDs whereby the signal from a high signal pixel (e.g. cosmic ray) can persist into the signal of subsequent rows of pixels. This leads to a 'streak' of signal values in the x direction, which typically need to be masked out. This function produces a read noise persistence mask from a list of row values, where the values are the average signal in each row of the image after other features (e.g. the charge injection) have been removed. All rows with a signal above an input `readout_persistence_threshold` are masked out, where this threshold should be estimated from the data itself or based on the CCD's properties. Parameters ---------- layout The layout of the CCD (where the parallel overscan begins and ends, where the charge injection regions are, etc.). row_value_list The average signal in each row of the image after other features (e.g. the charge injection) have been removed. readout_persistence_threshold The threshold above which a row is masked out, assuming that this threshold means that a signal is so bright that it must be due to read noise persistence. settings The settings of the mask (e.g. the number of pixels to mask out). pixel_scales The pixel scales of the CCD in arc-seconds per pixel, which is passed to the mask. invert If `True`, the mask is inverted such that all pixels that are masked are unmasked and visa versa. Returns ------- The read noise persistence mask. """ mask_row = [ row_value > readout_persistence_threshold for row_value in row_value_list ] mask = np.full(layout.shape_2d, False) for y in range(layout.shape_2d[0]): if mask_row[y]: ylow = max(y - settings.readout_persistence_infront_buffer, 0) yhigh = min( y + settings.readout_persistence_behind_buffer + 1, layout.shape_2d[0], ) mask[ylow:yhigh, :] = True if invert: mask = np.invert(mask) return Mask2D(mask=mask.astype("bool"), pixel_scales=pixel_scales)